zondag 30 september 2007


so I told you I was at the sculptures and it was soooo beautiful Ithink its worth sos
this is my little friend she is 3 and went with me she liked it very much
and loved the applepie....

vrijdag 28 september 2007


I visited today a sandsculpture exposition.
it was realyl beautiful. this picture is one of the manny I took (!)
the theme is Michiel de ruyter, one of our heroes from the past.(1607)

the girls sat on cushions, the man next to the sultan is michiel:-)

maandag 24 september 2007


this picture is from my granny's house. when I was a little girl I always asked her to see this photo.She told me later the my reaction to this picture so adorable was that she wrote on the backside that this picture belonged to me afther she died. (so she also gave me a precious piece of her handwriting....)

zondag 23 september 2007


she makes us all proud! she makes my sister a mum and my mum a granny! me an auntie. she is always happy and cheerfully and soooo adorable!

here she was 5 hours old.

vrijdag 21 september 2007

donderdag 20 september 2007

woensdag 19 september 2007


niet te vertalen volgens het woordenboek! dus ik hoop dat het goed is....

no translation in the dictionary so I'lll hope this is right.....

dinsdag 18 september 2007

zondag 16 september 2007

show off sunday

(2004) just an ordinary sunday in a forest nearby

(we have a flat country....)

one of the first shots with an digital camera for me

a lucky shot!

vrijdag 14 september 2007

donderdag 13 september 2007

woensdag 12 september 2007

maandag 10 september 2007


I while ago (last month LOL) with my friensd a lovely sundaymorning in the Vondelpark. Vertigo serves great applepie and cappucino mmmmm

dinsdag 4 september 2007


this one is from april

I couldn't find the one I had to think of immediately. I think I haven't backed up properly so thats what i'm goning to do right now :-( (I don't want to lose the babypictures of my niece)


found it!!! and I found lots more!!!! me is happy :))

zondag 2 september 2007

sos 2

gewoon super tevreden met dit shot en de nabewerking

just very satisfied with the shot and the adjustments

and I'm scrapper........

zaterdag 1 september 2007